Arthritis Relief

Pain Relief for Arthritis

The goal is to reduce stress on the joints with arthritis, so you can enjoy a better quality of life. Your physical therapist will work with you on weight management to avoid additional strain on your joints.

Balance & Gait Disorders

A comprehensive physical evaluation in which our physical therapist studies your stance, gait, balance, and medical history, as well as any symptoms such as dizziness or discomfort.

Foot and Ankle Pain Relief - Prep Performance Center in Chicago IL

Foot and Ankle Pain Relief

If you’ve sustained an acute injury, we will probably prescribe the R.I.C.E. treatment protocol (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) for the first few days so that the worst of the swelling can go down.

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Elbow Wrist and Hand Pain Relief

To create an individualized course of therapy to treat your elbow, wrist, or hand pain. This can include a wide range of treatments, such as manual therapy, heat and ice treatments, ultrasound, and specific stretching exercises.

Hip and Knee Pain

Physical therapy can often relieve (or greatly reduce) hip and knee pain, sparing you the need for medication or surgical correction.

Shoulder Pain

Our natural and non-invasive methods can help relieve your shoulder pain and heal your rotator cuff injury. While rotator cuff injuries sometimes require surgery if they are severe enough.


Physical therapy can relieve chronic headaches in a number of ways. Exercises to loosen, lengthen and relax the muscles of the neck can be highly effective at easing the spasms that set off tension headaches.

Neck Pain & Headache

Treatments for neck pain will likely include manual therapy, a type of massage designed to reduce stiffness in the neck and improve your range of motion.

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Back Pain & Sciatica

Recovery from sciatica or other types of back pain is possible with the help of physical therapy. Your course of treatment with a physical therapist will largely depend on your diagnosis.

ACL Injury

After diagnostic tests and physical examinations are complete, our Chicago physical therapists will design a specialized treatment plan based on your specific needs.