How to prevent knee pain? What is the best painkiller for knee pain? How to get rid of knee pain fast? Frustrated with niggling knee pain when running, and not able to perform at your best in your chosen sport because of stiffness, tightness or discomfort in and around your knee?
It doesn’t have to be that way.
You can prevent knee pain when running – hundreds of our patients are proof of that, so this New Year, stop knee pain when running, get back to playing your best, and enjoy your workouts again!
Why Do I Have Knee Pain When Running?
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome or Runner’s Knee is a dull pain around the front of the knee.
It may be caused by a structural defect where you have imbalances in the supporting muscles of your knee. It can also be caused by a certain way of walking or running which means your knee is out of alignment, and the force from walking or running puts too much stress on the knee joint.
Often people try to address the knee pain directly but fail to fix the root cause which could be your walking or running pattern.
One of the services you can choose at our clinics is a Free Running Evaluation, which allows you to get an expert analysis of your running pattern so you can discover how to get rid of knee pain when running and improve your performance.
Should I Run With Knee Pain?
If you have knee pain, the safest advice is to avoid running – at least until you speak to a medical professional.
We know that keeping active is more than just a way to keep fit, it’s something that you love…
But if you run or play sports with knee pain, you might be turning a minor problem that’s currently an annoying niggle into a major injury that requires surgery.
If you choose to push through the pain, it may result in a long time stuck on the treatment table, and on the sidelines – and we know that’s the last thing you want to do.
How To Prevent Knee Pain When Running
Knee pain can be a complex issue, however here are 5 ways that help runners prevent knee pain. To find out exactly how to prevent your knee pain, our team is ready and waiting to speak to you!
Wear The Right Shoes and Insoles
Make sure your running shoes and insoles fit correctly, are supportive, and provide adequate cushioning and shock absorption. Look for shoes with extra cushioning and stability features to reduce the impact on your knees while running.
Custom orthotic insoles can be a really powerful way to reduce knee pain, as well as other issues such as foot, ankle and hip pain.
Strengthen Muscles That Support Your Knee
Strengthening the muscles around your knees can help prevent knee pain when running. Focus on strengthening your quadriceps and hip muscles, as well as your core, to prevent knee pain.
Warm Up Before Running
Make sure you warm up properly before running to prevent knee pain. Make sure to stretch your quads, hamstrings, calves, and hips before running to prevent injuries.
Avoid Running On Hard Surfaces
Running on hard surfaces such as concrete can put extra pressure and stress on your knees when running. Try to run on grass, dirt, or other softer surfaces instead.
Do Overdo It
Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard. Increase your running mileage slowly and give your body enough time to rest and recover.
Following these simple tips can help prevent knee pain when running and keep you running safely and comfortably.
Get Expert Help For Your Knee Pain When Running
If you’re struggling with knee pain when running, and it’s lasted more than a week, it’s becoming more frequent or painful, then our advice would be to get help from knee pain specialists who work with athletes and active people through specialist sports performance programs like ours.
At PREP Performance Center in Chicago, we are able to provide natural knee pain relief, whilst helping you get faster, fitter, and stronger when running, and playing sports.
To speak to a member of our team and find out how we can treat knee pain when you run, arrange a Free Running Evaluation.
But hurry, demand at our clinic is extremely high, so contact us today to arrange your Free Running Evaluation or call us on (773) 609-1847.
Other Free Resources To Prevent and Treat Sports Injuries
Read Our Blog – How To Prevent Sports Injuries – 5 Proven Strategies
Read Our Blog – 6 Best Exercises To Eliminate Your Knee Pain
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